Through strategic partnerships with local farmers, we've effectively increased crop productivity through the supplementation of organic mass.
In the past 50 years, the productivity of the agricultural industry has greatly increased.
However, this external requisites (such as chemical fertilizers and pesticides) for this productivity is steadily increasing annually. These chemical fertilizers unfortunately have unforseen consequences like the algae formations in the Mexico Bay due to the high concentration of nitrogen from chemical fertilizer runoffs.
The prevailing thought is, without chemical fertilizer, crops would not grow and flourish.
That is not the case.
The root of the issue is the increasing demands for higher production yields.
Nutri-X simultaneously increases productivity and revitalizes the arability and health of the soil.
At GBK, our mission is to bring a responsible, eco-friendly, and sustainable solution to the mainstream agricultural industry.
High-Efficiency Organic Nutrient Solution
Production Cycle of 4 Days
苗期:化肥減半,液肥稀釋 200 倍 叶面喷洒,每分地施用液肥原液 4 公升。
中期:化肥減半,液肥稀釋 200 倍 叶面噴灑,每分地施用液肥原液 4 公升。
成熟期: 不用施肥